Live Stream Archives

Stream 46: Corona In The Internet (Crazy Party)

Smoke Hannibal and Pyro play some Crazy Party. All starts out good, then the internet gets a bad case of the Corona. It starts to shit out bad, but the stream keeps chugging along. @lucas18503 won the competition again, that’s his third win. Smoke sucked less, hannibal’s net ate balls, and Pyro shit the bed multiple times. It was a pretty normal BSG stream…

Live Stream Archives

Stream 45: High On Blue Chew (Crazy Party)

In this stream smoke goes solo. The new PC is built, and streams will be back to their normal every weekend schedule now. Turtle power finally won her first round, but got screwed by the RNG. Charter sucks balls a few minutes in, but after that all is good, and the PC was super sexy and wonderful. Smoke may or may not have been high on blue chew.


Smoke’s Custom Top Speed Tracks

A set of tracks I made that are downloadable for patreons.

Live Stream Archives

Stream 44: Pump The F-ing Brakes (Top Speed)

In this stream Smoke and Hannibal stream Top Speed. This was a patreon requested stream, requested by PWilson AKA BrailleScreen. This was a fun stream where we raced, talked shit, and talked some more shit. Check out PWilson– for all your things and stuff.

Live Stream Archives

Stream 43: You Win a Free T-shirt! (Crazy Party)

In this stream smoke goes solo on some Crazy Party. This was a fun stream, just playing and talking shit with everyone. There were two pretty big parties. 25 in both of them. The final winner was guliwer, but since they don’t know how to read they are probably not going to claim their prize. Oh and the free T-shirts, they’ll be in the mail ASAP…

Live Stream Archives

Stream 42: Rock Hard Down Low (Crazy Party)

In this stream Smoke and Jimmy play some Crazy party. We run a mini-game party and a 40 turn micro-game party. Yildiz gets the luck of the draw and wins the stream. We talk about how rock we are, how this is the most rock live stream on the Internet, and about ninjas. Don’t forget, we are a comedy gaming show, nothing talked about is serious, it is comedy.

Live Stream Archives

Stream 41: Smoke is a crayon Eater (Crazy Party)

In this stream Smoke goes solo with some Crazy party. He takes full advantage of every chance to suck at every game possible. We learn where pyro is, and Smoke tells a story about Hannibal confusing his nurse. Sito somehow gets lucky and pulls off a full sweep to win the giveaway.

Live Stream Archives

Stream 40: All The Phallic Shaped Objects (Survive The Wild)

In this patreon requested stream Smoke streams a map building session on Survive The Wild. He starts in on the remodel of the mining area but switches to the mining tunnels about one hour in. The maps aren’t finished on stream, but they’ll be worked on and released in the next week or so.

Live Stream Archives

Stream 39: Repeated Failed Orgasms (Crazy Party)

In this stream smoke and Hannibal play 1 mini-game party and a 60 turn micro-game party. Hannibal counts down his list of 12 objects you can but probably shouldn’t drink out of…and you don’t want to miss that. We talk about things you can do with animals…and or patreons. Beer AKA QuakeLover wins for the first time. Oh yeah and there’s a unique one time intro song on this one from Placeboing.


2020 Quarter 1 Patreon Requested Streams

If you are in the $5 and up patreon tiers you are able to get me to stream a game of your choosing for three hours. This gives all the info on the games, and how to let me know what you would like me to stream.

Live Stream Archives

Stream 38: Go Bounce On That Chair Leg (Crazy Party)

In this stream Pyro and Smoke play some Crazy Party and run a competition giveaway. KeyWasFull and SteveD win the rounds and only the luck of the Siri decides the winner. Pyro and Smoke talk about what friends do for another, along with demands of others playing the game to perform acts with chair and table legs.

Patreon Giveaways

sequence storm giveaway

This is a giveaway exclusively for Patreon members. Of everyone entered one person will be drawn to get a steam key for Sequence Storm.

Live Stream Archives

Stream 37: Fucking Kamikazes (Audio Strike)

In this stream archive Smoke plays some Audio Strike for the first time at the request of Connor AKA @quakelover. He keeps it together reasonably well with only minimal streaks of swearing…he hardly even called Connor any bad names. If you are looking for expert game play with advanced techniques you should probably try looking somewhere else.

Live Stream Archives

Stream 36: Don’t Forget About The Ass (Crazy Party)

Smoke and Pyro stream some Crazy Party in this stream. There is a competition giveaway which Steve D wins. Topics are all over the place, horse booty clapping, Hannibal’s penis, the secretive hp, and much more. This isn’t family friendly unless you have a very disfunctional family and you don’t care about their mental health.

Live Stream Archives

Stream 35: Window Licker Mode (Sequence Storm)

In this stream Smoke goes solo and plays some Sequence Storm. If you didn’t know he really sucks balls at the game. It is okay and encouraged to laugh at him. He only managed to progress through a few tracks, but there weren’t any rage strokes so it was win win.